Saturday, February 05, 2011

Is it a right to go to college? Should every student be paid to go?

Harvard Study: Maybe Everyone Shouldn't Be Going to College raises the question:  Should everyone go to college?  Good article.  It has this video:

(Hat tip: Instapundit)


Jean said...

Some very good comments there, but what's with the "only" $19,000 of debt? That doesn't sound like "only" to me!

Anonymous said...

I think this is great! The first sign that not everyone should go to college is when universities have to offer remedial reading and math to their freshman. Really?? Giving this "everyone DESERVES to go to college" attitude makes the whole system mediocre.

Henry Cate said...

"The first sign that not everyone should go to college is when universities have to offer remedial reading and math to their freshman."

That is a great point.