This is a brief overview of homeschooling. There are two main goals. The first is to explain the basics of homeschooling. The second is to provide links to additional information.
A number of people have passed through our blog who are not homeschoolers. Many of them know little about homeschooling. We haven't had any posts explaining the basics of homeschooling, where to go for more online resources, or how to find the legalities of homeschooling for where you live. This was brought home to me when a friend asked last week how could he get started with homeschooling his son.
What is Homeschooling?
Basically homeschooling is parent directed education. This can occur in the kitchen of a home, where my wife and I do some of our homeschooling. It can take place at other locations in a home, for example a spare room, the garage, the basement, or the back porch. A number of parents find ways to teach their children outside of the home, for example in taking lessons, or going to the library, or going on field trips. In short parents assume full responsibility for educating their children. The parents may choose to involve others to help with the education, but the parents are still in charge.
Here and here have more information on what is homeschooling.
Why do people homeschool?
There is a huge variety of reasons why parents may choose not to send their children off to public schools. A majority of homeschoolers have one or more of the following three basic reasons: 1) School environment 2) Religious or Moral 3) Academics.
A recent survey, by the Department of Education, found that about 85% of homeschooling parents were concerned about the environment of public schools. This ranged worries about safety from bullies, to gangs, to drugs, and so on. A second major reason, for 72% of the parents, was a desire to provide religious or moral instruction. The third major reason, 68%, was dissatisfaction with academic instruction at public schools.
There are also many, many more reasons. Some homeschool so their child can be in the movies. Some homeschool because it is hard to get rid of bad public school teachers. Others homeschool because of the father's work schedule. I know some parents homeschool to avoid assignments like researching internet porn. The reasons go on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on.
How to homeschool
There is also great variety in how people homeschool. Some people use a very structured curriculum, like Calvert. Other have a more relaxed approach like the Robinson Curriculum. Some parents pick and choose individual curriculums for math or reading. Some might use a particular approach like Montessori Homeschooling. Some parents take an unschooling approach which is child directed learning. Often parents will use one approach for one child, and another approach for another child. Many families find their approach changes over time.
If you have additional thoughts, resources or questions, please add a comment or send me email.
If you are interested in what you might need to do to become a homeschooler, go here for some basic steps.
If you would like to explore some internet resources, go here.
I'm assisting a friend in the marketing of an educational software game that teaches math, science, english and social studies to grades 3-5. It's found at It's been used widely in public schools throughtout NY State. They are offering free home trials. I'm wondering if someone could review it. Would this work for homeschooling? It's designed to help meet "No Child Left Behind" Standards - thanks...
i want to be home schooled but i dont think my mom will do.
do u know if ppl are willing to come to my ouse and teach me if i pay them??
Homeschooling is not about passively waiting for a "teacher" to spoon feed the student informaton. Homeschooling is about self-education.
A few good books and some educational software could cover almost everything. Many areas have online school options.
So anonymous #2, if you are self-motivated, your parents just need to do the paper work and buy the materials. Also, private schools have programs for independent study students so that parents don't have to do the paperwork.
Yes, parents can hire a tutor.
You could also try a program for independent study through your local public school. In these programs, students usually meet with a teacher once a week and the school would provide the materials. While this is not true "homeschooling," it may meet your needs and satisfy your parents.
So, be proactive about your life. Do some research. Check out the independent study program at your school. Look on line for the homeschool laws for your state. Check out how much a private tutor would cost. Most private school home study programs are very affordable.
Then approach your parents in a reasonable and respectful way and present your plan.
I'm glad I came over, Henry. Your intro reinforced that "the more I know, the more I don't know". Very helpful, indeed. Thanks for commenting on ProductivityGoal and opening my eyes.
I am doing some research on home schooling for a class, and I was curious to know whether or not it is required that parents receive some sort of teaching credential?
Strong consideration should also be given to supporting politicians who absolutely defend home schooling, since many in government frown upon it for various reasons. One such strong advocate of home schooling is Texas republican Congressman Ron Paul, now a candidate for President.
A recent New Hampshire appearance is on video here where he praises and defends home schooling, stating that it was a struggle in his own state of Texas to reinforce the right of parents to do such, where he also refutes some urban myths about home schooling:
Anonymous asked:
"I am doing some research on home schooling for a class, and I was curious to know whether or not it is required that parents receive some sort of teaching credential?"
In the United States each state has different laws, so it really depends.
I really want to be homeschooled for some reasons i talked with my mom about. She is sort of considering it, but she is concerned. You see, we don't have much money, so she wouldn't be able to pay anyone. And she has to work as much as she can (which is almost 24/7) so she wouldn't be able to do it herself. If you have any suggestions, e-mail me at
I want to know if children take tests,how parents calified their kids and if they recieve a certificate in order to attend to a university.please answer these questions as soon as possible. I'm confused.I'm a foreign learner
In the United States the laws vary a bit. Some states require testing, some don't.
Homeschooled children use to have trouble getting into colleges and universities a couple decades ago, but now it is much easier.
We plan to have our daughters take online courses and attend a local junior college, so by the time they are 18 they'll have several college credits already.
Also,it depends on your ACT or SAT score. If you score well on these tests, you can get into almost any college regardless of the lack of a high school diploma from a public school.
Hello! I love your blog, it has been so helpful to me! And I don't know much about blogs yet, but how do I join your blog? Is that even possible? Thanks!!
"And I don't know much about blogs yet, but how do I join your blog?"
My wife and I run the blog. You are welcome to leave comments.
If you have a lot to say you might consider starting up your own blog.
Hi. I appreciate the info I've read on your blog thus far--really informative. Are you involved in a cooperative? I'm trying to get some opinions on the benefits and drawbacks of being part of a co-op. Thanks
>Are you involved in a cooperative? I'm trying to get some opinions on the benefits and drawbacks of being part of a co-op.
Yes, we've been involved with a co-op for 5 or 6 years. Each year is a little different. We've done everything from a mini-private school to a playgroup.
What I've found works best for our family is once a week on a Friday afternoon. We do only things in co-op that need a group. Most subjects are easier to teach one-on-one. But things that need a partner (chess club), involve a team (Lego League), need a group (choir), or need an audience (oral presentations) are best done in co-ops. Other subjects like math, spelling, etc. are much, much easier to do at home by yourself.
And a word of advice:
Be very careful. Not all friendships can survive a co-op situation. Co-ops work best when people are flexible. If you have high strung friends, don't do a co-op with them. It will make you both miserable.
Janine, Thanks for the input. I especially like the advice to stick to the classes that you can't do one-on-one. That will be a helpful guide. Thanks again
I have been searching all day for an open debate on homeschooling. I am a product of homeschooling, and I would like a place where my thoughts can be heard on this subject. I am a mother of 4 children and I have very strong oppions on this matter and would like to make a differance without ppl becomming offended ect.. where is the best place to go for an open debate on this matter. I have been to several homeschool sites and didnt feel it would be appropreate to do it there, because they were all for homschooling. I want to be taken seriously, as this is very serious to me. But I also dont want to just go around upsetting people by posting in an unsuitable area. my email is Also anyone thinking of homeschooling there child and want to hear the oppionion of a 34 y/o mother who was homschooled all her life and might have questions for me please feel free to email me aswell. Thank you, Holon Richards
I don't have a good answer to your question. I'm guessing you didn't have a wonderful experience as a homeschooler and you would like to talk about it.
One way to do this would be to start your own blog, share your experience and invite others to comment. It takes a while to attract readers and it is even harder to get them to leave comments.
However, many homeschoolers or those considering homeschooling would be interested in what pitfalls to avoid in homeschooling.
I'm a little curious. In your situation, was the problem homeschooling or was the problem that you had inept/mentally ill/dangerous/abusive/neurotic and/or just really bad parents? I, unfortunately, know someone who says she is homeschooling when in reality she is using homeschooling to hiding abuse and neglect.
Of course, good parents can still have issues with homeschooling, but I believe that most reasonable parents could do a good job.
Thank you for the blogging idea, I will look into that. I dont know much about how that works but it shouldnt be too hard.
I have very loving parents and I wouldnt trade them in for anything. The problem was the " homeschooling " . They now realize what a big mistake they made, and wish very much that they hadnt. I cant say one good thing about it. It's just wrong on so many levels and people just honestly dont realize how mach they are hurting there children.
Most people who homeschool there kids have the very best intentions and I believe that with all my heart. They are just unaware of the very real harm they are doing to there children. They just wont, or dont see it.
"They are just unaware of the very real harm they are doing to there children."
It appears you had a bad experience. I am sorry.
Brian Ray did a study of adults who had been homeschooled. The results were published in Home Educated and Now Adults. The vast majority were grateful they had been homeschooled and planned to homeschool their children.
I am a mother of an 11 year old who has always been in the public school system. He's got mild issues with things like fluency, anxiety, and being easily distracted, but since these things don't give him failing grades, they are not considered issues that need special attention. I know my son could do better with more individualized attention, and less distraction, so I am looking into homeschooling. But I have many fears about it. I'm afraid that I might be keeping him from having the ability to deal with real world issues if I shelter him at home. I also think home schooling wouldn't give him the socialization he needs. My biggest fear is that I wouldn't know what to teach, and when. How does each state determine what a child is suppose to know, and at what grade level? My research so far hasn't answered this question. I applaud all home school parents, and I hope I become one of you.
MD Mom - In making choices we always have to consider the positive and negative aspects of the choice of going with one action, vs. taking a second action.
In making the decision to homeschool I encourage you to stop and think about all the positive, and negative aspects of socialization in public schools. In my mind the net is very negative. Children learn to pay attention to their peers, rather than learn mature social responses. The reality is very few homeschooled children are social nerds, and those that are might have been just as bad in public schools.
Across the United States there is a huge variety in what states require. Many states do not specify a particular cirriculum. If you are worried about the legal requirements, check with a local homeschool group. If you are worried about what to teach your son, we've found that most homeschooled children end up learning much more that public school children.
Sometimes it is scary stepping into the unknown. You might just try homeschooling for the next semester.
Good luck with your decision.
Informative blog -- thank you. I've been considering homeschooling for a year and now finally have everyone on board (husband, kids) -- even excited! My fear is the initial social let-down -- for the kids and for me. Our town is built around the school system. Of course, I know they will make friends as we venture out into the world -- through events, classes, playgroups. That said, does anyone have any pearls of wisdom re: removing a middle-age age child from school, where there has been no problem there. (Homeschooling for us would be a lifestyle choice to embrace learning and creating throughout the days.) Thank you!!
I have been homeschooling my two children since the beginning. However I fear they are lagging behind. I REALLY don't want to send them to public school due to the environment there. but I'm afraid I'm not taking them where they should be. For example my 9 year old has a difficult time reading. This should be natural for him by now but it just isn't. If I put him in school they will keep him behind others his age. And I don't want him to think he's "stupid". Should I try to continue the homeschool program or seek help thru the public school system? Any input would help
Dear "very confused mom",
Where to start....
First, my middle daughter is just now reading comfortably. She's coming up on 13 years old. There is a range of normal for reading. Some very normal kids don't read until they are 10+ years old, especially boys.
Second, don't assume the school would be able to help you. Usually, school just makes late readers miserable and teaches them to hate reading.
For a first step, I would suggest getting some sort of neurological evaluation. Reading is a very complicated neurological function. Trying to teach a child to read with a neurological processing issue, without addressing that functioning deficit, is a waste of time and can be very harmful to the child.
For example, exercise that stimulate right brain-left brain communication can to wonders for reading.
Next, I would make sure your home is full of books on topics your child is interested in. Much of today's reading material is either depressing or girl-centric. I know more than one kid who learned to read with comic books.
I had another kid who at 8 years old couldn't easily read Cat in the Hat. Then the second Harry Potter book came out. She got tired of waiting for someone to read it to her. Viola! Suddenly she became a read.
To have a motivated reader, it is also important to limit other distractions, like computer and tv.
Then there was my third daughter. She taught herself to read on
Because of the reading issue with my children, we did a lot of books on tape. As a result, they developed good vocabulary and grammar sense. When they did begin to read, they jumped from a second grade level to a high school level in a matter of weeks.
So, to sum it up. Sometimes kids just read later, sometimes kids have neurological processing issues that make reading difficult, sometimes kids don't read because reading material turns them off and sometimes kids don't read because there is too many distractions like tv and computer games.
You just need to figure out which one applies to your kid. Then you will know what to do.
Homeschooling should be used as a last resort to problems like physical bullying and special needs children who can not be properly taken care of at a public school. I live in Canada and most children attend publicly-funded schools which are run by the ministries. I think that attending public school is an experience that can not be replecated in a homeschooling environment.
The "problems" listed above are ridiculous. School prepares children for life; and although it would be nice if gangs and drugs didn't exist, the reality is that they do. When kids are exposed to this in a school environment, they are taught how to avoid things like drugs and bullies. The fact is, children who are homeschooled so that they may stay away from bad things like drugs will never make it in real life. How will they deal with real life situations like office bullying, when they have never had previous exposure? The 72% of parents who choose homeschooling to provide religious and moral instruction should also understand that it may be hard to find a job that will uphold these ideologies in the mainstream world. Canada is extraordinarily diverse, and it is extremely difficult to find a job that will focus on a particular person’s religion.
In public school students learn how to excell and have a competitive attitude towards education, which is necessary to be successful. They are exposed to ideas like "life is like a race and to get somewhere worth being, you have to be better than everyone else", and "every minute you are not studying, someone else is and that is the person who will get accepted to university in your spot". There are so many reasons for choosing public schooling, and so parents should think very hard before pulling their child out of a imperitive experience that can not be duplicated at home.
My wife and I have been doing foster care for two years. We've seen several children who have suffered some abuse and lots of neglect. Society is fairly quick to pull children from abusive homes, but seems to think there is some virtue in leaving children in abusive schools.
It doesn't make sense to me.
"The fact is, children who are homeschooled so that they may stay away from bad things like drugs will never make it in real life."
This is not true. I have known no homeschooled adults who have trouble making it in real life, while I know too many adults who suffered through public schools and now struggle to get by. If you really care I can track down some studies which have found that homeschooled children as a group are doing just fine.
There is a saying that applies to this discussion. The saying is: "In theory there is little difference between theory and practice. In practice there is."
In theory public schools would do a great job educating children. In practice most public schools in America do a poor job preparing children for life. Many children receive a horrible education, some graduate without knowing how to read or write. Too many children leave public schools with little discipline or ability to focus.
Our children get great exposure to a huge variety of beliefs and ideas. One of the homeschool park days groups they attend has a wide range of individuals, ages, beliefs, and social standings. It is far wider than anything I saw in my public schools.
I enjoyed reading through these comments and the thoughtful responses to each. Well done. You have a very gentle way of handling both opposition and question.
I have really enjoyed reading your blog. You handle questions with the utmost respect and I could learn a lot from you...We have a 2 year old and 2 month old. What should I be teaching my 2 year old right now? What curriculum did you use at that age?
>What curriculum did you use at that age?
You don't need a curriculum at 2 years of age. Things just naturally come up. For example, we have those states place mats. While we eat, I would name the states and say who in our family lived there. Baby Bop just loves that.
So, just fill you house and life with interesting stuff and talk about it over the course of you day.
Wonderful blog and great information. I am a Mother of 2 and I have been homeschooling for 3 years now. A great resource that I use is Bison Educational Systems. This is very helpful in preparing my boys for the state proficiency tests. Bison is a database full of questions and answers that are similar to those on the state proficiency tests. Select grade and subject, then select the questions you want printing. You can even print it like a test. How cool!
Perhaps others will find this as useful as I have.
so glad I found your blog, thank you for your work, i am thinking of homeschooling two of my children,
Here is an interview to an homeschool parent proving that Linux and Free Software are powerful and very cost-effective tools for all homeschoolers
Best Regards,
Marco Fioretti
The Big Book of Home Learning by Mary Pride really helped us make a well-informed decision about how to start, why to start and what method to use to start homeschooling. I found the reviews helpful and insightful while avoiding the overwhelmed frustration experienced in some other texts. We chose the Robsinson Method, but found the other methods to be very well described in the book and equally full of advantages.
I love homeschool, however sometimes its very difficult to research the right material for our children and also the tools which is one of the most important support for home schooling.
California Home Schooling
thanks for the information. This should be one of my homeschool references.
I am glad you found the information useful.
Hello- I have been homeschooling for over a yr now and it was the best thing I ever have done. My oldest 13 now, was so torn down by the public school life. The teachers and principle were not even worried how these children were behaving. Things have definitely changed since I was in school in the 80's. I was in public school, but never had to deal with what our children are faced with today. The more I tried to get some attention on the things that were happening in this school, the less help I got and the further my child was slipping away. We raised a confident strong child with strong religious beliefs but that middle school environment tore her down and she was doing whatever she had to do to fit in-that isn't good and I had to do something before I lost her for good.
We talked about homeschooling as a family and she was included in this choice, she begged me to do it and this broke my heart to hear her desperation. She was reaching out to me and I wouldn't let her down. She sat with me and picked out the lessons she would do at home, we laid down ground rules as a family and told both of our children this is a family choice and we will work together through it.
I had a meeting with the Principle and told him what we decided to do, when he asked why, my child spoke up and told him how it was there and he acted like he could care less. She wasn't the only child to tell him this. She stood up and said- "I' ready mom, let's go." I looked at him and walked out and never came back.
I love teaching and I use to teach children in preschool. I think learning should be as natural as possible and having things on hand for teaching moments are key to us.
Socialization- We do so much in our community, that our kids are constantly involved with other people. My children are involved in sports outside the home, one is in Volleyball and the other in gymnastics- we go to church and attend any kind of learning opportunities from field trips to the museum, light houses of NC, Civil War enactments, historical places throughout the sate- there is always something you can point out to your kids as knowledge they may have learned from a book and bring it to reality for them.
We have started our own business and the girls are my partners. They have written business plans, projections for the future, purchasing material and keeping inventory records. There is so much they learn from this and it is one on one education with their loving mom, can't get much better than that.
We are closer as a family from this and our children actually talk with us and discuss their thoughts and dreams for the future and so much more.
I have had two other high school students beg me to home school them, but I have enough on my plate with my two. There are children that are desperate to get out of public school because it has changed in so many ways. My children have to be tested annually and their results this year were that they both are above their "grade" level.
I'm not saying homeschooling is for everyone, but for most of us, it is.
For those who are thinking about it- educate yourself before you make any final choices and try to include your children in the process of choosing to be homeschooled, if they are older like mine were. There are pros and cons to everything you do in life.
This is just my experience and it is wonderful to be with my children each day from the time they wake up to the time they go to sleep.
Hello! I find homeschooling to be a subject that a lot of people, myself included, don't know about, and I find your blog to be really informative and a great way to learn about the reasons why people choose to homeschool their kids and/or be homeschooled by their parents. So thank you!
I am a senior in college and am very interested in writing my senior thesis on homeschooling, specifically with relation to sex education. I am genuinely interested in learning about the extent to which sex education in schools is a factor in parents choosing to homeschool their children. Also, I would be interested in learning in what ways parents choose to provide sex education to their children via the homeschooling curriculum.
I know that some people when doing studies can be aggressive/judgmental/close-minded. I am not this way. I have no "agenda," I am just genuinely interested in this subject because it seems that homeschooling is not well-understood and people don't have an opportunity to learn about it.
I am in the Southern California area and hoping very much to interview parents who homeschool their kids. As someone far more knowledgeable about this subject than I am, do you have any suggestions on how to go about this process and a way to non-intrusively contact people for interviews? Also, if you have any insight on potentially sensitive subjects, as I do not want to offend anyone, that would be helpful. Thank you!
Send me an email and I will post your contact info on the homeschool email groups in my area. (
In our family, we use the curicullum of life. We have many friends who have babies and so the conversations come up very naturally.
Good Luck.
My sister and her husband home schooled their two children, first grade through high shool.
Both are were above above average in college. One is a lawyer and the other a nurse!
Kenneth - homeschooling can be a very powerful environment for helping children to learn. I'm glad your niece and nephew have done well.
I have a 5-year-old in Kindergarten in the local public school. She did not attend preschool. She is still having major anxiety and trouble adjusting to the school environment. She still cries before school stating that she will miss me so much. Another issue is that she got locked in the bathroom stall a month ago. So now she is so scared about this reoccurring that instead she urinates on herself rather than go to the bathroom. I am going to meet with the school psychologist soon. Could she just not be "emotionally mature" enough for school or could this just be her personality and perhaps she would do better at home with me being homeschooled? I'm confused. I'd appreciate any advice. Thanks.
>Could she just not be "emotionally mature" enough for school or could this just be her personality and perhaps she would do better at home with me being homeschooled?
We are little biased in that we think that almost every child would be better off homeschooled. Is she in a full day or half day kindergarten? A full day is a pretty big leap for a shy child.
I highly doubt that the school psychologist is going to be much help. The school loses money if you decide to go somewhere else, so they have vested interest in keeping your daughter in school, regardless of what is best for her.
The best thing you can do is relax yourself. The more anxious you are, the more anxious she will be.
I suggest that you spend a few days observing at the school to see if there are any other issues. Children that young generally can't explain the subtle nuances of things. After you've spent a few days at the school (all day if you can), you will be in a better position to judge if it is a good match for your child.
Also, you could pull her out for the rest of this year and try again next year or in a few years. Homeschooling doesn't have to be all or nothing.
Good luck. Come back if you need advice on beginning to homeschool.
I just started to homeschool my daughter. you have informative articles about homeschool. i'll follow you. Homeschool Mom Blog
SmartyMommy - If you have any questions, please feel free to send us an email. (Available via our profile.)
Good luck with your daughter!
As a Home School workshop leader, I tell parents, "Luckily home school is not the class room." There are several things available to home educators that are not available to teachers.
Teachers Forced To Use Curriculum That Does Not Work
How To Home School
My daughter was homeschooled and is now a successful business owner, I would say businesses but she sold two. If you homeschool and pay property tax, you should have the oportunity for your child to attend school classes, such as art or band. You are paying for the teaching through your taxes. We loved homeschool and we did scouts, riding and ballet lessons, too. Just remember when people ask you how your child can possibly be 'socialized', that you are paying for schools to teach children, not to socialize them. Kids are born social. Coley Brown
Coming from someone who was homeschooled her entire life, I highly recommend never homeschooling. It is a terrible choice for your children normally. There are so many issues that come along with it. There are so many academic opportunities that usually aren't available to homeschooled children and this can really impact their education. I will never recommend that someone put their child through the terrible education I have had.
Coley Brown,
Happy to hear that your daughter is doing well in business. Our country needs more entrepreneurs.
It would be interesting to see what you felt didn't work for you with homeschooling, which homeschooling approach your parents used and where you lived (city, country, North, South, etc).
As a group, homeschoolers are very successful in life, college, business, and community involvement. Many adults who wre homeschooled choose homeschooling for their own families.
As in everything, there are exceptions.
I'm thinking of homeschooling my 13 year old. My biggest concern is the curriculum. Do I need to pay to get one? Some are very expensive. Not sure what to do. Thanks
Here are a couple suggestions:
Connect up with your local homeschool group. Often they'll have used curriculums they'll share or sell at a low price.
Read "The Well Trained Mind" by Susan Wise Bauer. She has some great ideas on how to educate your children.
Try some of the online resources, things like Khan Academy.
Checkout your local laws. In our state children in high school can take college classes for free. You still need to buy the books, but it is a great deal.
Homeschooled my children many years ago. My eldest got his PHD from UC Berkeley with stipend. Now he is a Lecturer/Researcher at University of St. Andrews Scotland. Look up Ales Research. Second son graduated from USAFA. Is now a Captain and also has his Masters in Systems Engineering. Their higher education did not cost me anything. They are happy, socially adept, and successful. Go Homeschoolers!!
Thank you for this wonderful site. We support schools and homeschool groups and I just found this. I have learned so much by just reading through many of the comments. Homeschooling is such a huge commitment but if more people choose to do it, our country might be able to improve. "Training kids up in the way they should go" should be all of our #1 focus...I keep praying.
I am glad you found the information on our blog useful.
I do think if more parents would homeschool their children it would greatly benefit society.
Do you have a question about how to homeschool or about which homeschool curriculum is best for you? They might help -
Homeschool becomes best choice when we need unique way to educate children. We have the option to teach what we think is very important to know
Great read!!! Thanks for sharing such a great blog, blogs like this have always helped me in homeschooling our children in the best possible way. My elder son has recently started his online high school diploma and my younger son is homeschooled by us.
Great read!! We have 2 sons whom we have homeschooled, my elder son when he was in public school, he was bullied and after that, he was so disturbed he didn't want to go to school again. We tried our best so that he could forget everything and start going to school. When everything which we tried got failed that's when we decided to homeschool our children.
It was tough but then resources like this, friends and family helped us a lot in homeschooling our children in a better way. So thanks for sharing resources like this it really helps.
Now our elder son is in an accredited online high school and younger son is in an accredited online middle school, both are doing well in their respective curriculum.
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