Several people helped me in resolving a problem with our blog not displaying. It appeared to have something to do with
We finally figured out that starting with FireFox 3.6.6, a reference to Technorati's tag script would stop FireFox from loading. I've removed the reference. It is possible we may lose a little traffic, but I'd rather everyone be able to read our blog.
For anyone who wants more information, here are three places that discussed this problem: Blogger Help, Blogger News Network and FireFox Support
Life is good.
That's interesting, because I run firefox and had no problem loading your website
The internet is a funny thing sometimes :) Just the smallest piece of code can break it :D
My guess is you hadn't gotten the latest version of FireFox, version 3.6.6. Older versions could handle our blog just fine.
It was a weird problem. It was especially hard to deal with because I couldn't reproduce it.
I couldn't read it yesterday (I think) but since I couldn't get the page to load, I didn't know how to contact you.
Sorry to hear about your problem Henry! Glad you figured it out.
DH helped me revert to the older version of Firefox, and now I CAN READ YOUR BLOG AGAIN!!!!!! Life IS good!
><> CarolynM
Guilt-Free Homeschooling
Robert - you might snag my email address from my profile in case you need to contact me in the future.
Gary - thanks. It was pretty frustrating. Especially since other people were having trouble, but I couldn't reproduce it.
Carolyn - thank you, thank you for all your help. You made a huge difference.
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