Saturday, August 15, 2009

Posting will be light for awhile

Janine, the children and I are in Virginia visiting family. Our younger two children left the week before, traveling with my parents.

We spent all day Wednesday flying. It was a long day. We got up at 5:30 AM and took a 9:00 AM flight to Phoenix, Arizona. We waited for a couple hours then flew to Charlotte, North Carolina. We waited for another couple hours, and boarded the plane. It was about 10:30 PM, EST, and we had to wait on the plane for over a half hour. Our oldest took a turn with Baby Bop; I was very impressed with how well she kept him pleasant and entertained. We arrived in Virginia a little after midnight.

Thursday and Friday have been pretty low keyed. Our children played with their cousins. It has been great. My youngest daughter has pointed out a couple times that the house next door is for sale.

Now we're about to head off to visit with Janine's sister and family.

Technorati tags: family

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