Tuesday, July 07, 2009

I figured out the difference between little boys and little girls

Janine left the state yesterday to help a niece with a medical issue. I stayed home from work today to watch our children.

It hit me today that one of the differences between little boys and little girls is, with little boys there are toy cars all over the floor, and with little girls there are toy horses all over the floor.

Technorati tags: parenting, children


Kat said...

In my experience, the difference is what they do with those cars and horses. ;) Girls will pick up two cars and immediately the cars are discussing where they go get a wash and a wax. Boys will pick up the ponies and immediately they are racing, or fighting to be the head of the herd.

The Scientific Homeschooler said...

I think also, that little boys have a tendancy to enjoy a mess (ie-playing with whatever messy substance to further increase the mess-effect.) where little girls are less likely to want to get involved in such activity.

Crimson Wife said...

My new "toy" is a sewing machine. My oldest girl immediately wanted to use it to make her Barbie some clothes. My son immediately wanted to take it apart to see how it ran...