Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Stuff found via Google Alert

It has been awhile since I posted on some of the treasures I have found via Google Alerts.

Lisa Hendey posted an interview with Sandra Gillmore, author of Mommy Come Home. Sandra has a very strong message, from a religious point of view, that mothers should stay home with their children. She has advice for how to live on one income. And she is very positive about homeschooling. It looks like the interview was originally done back in 2004.

Matthew Dallman writes that Socialization is one of the reasons he is considering homeschooling.

Jay Mathews is a education columnist for the Washington Post. I have a Google Alert set up to notify me whenever his name appears, which normally means he has written a new column. I liked his column Bad Guess on U.S. Future. He opens with:

The two words most likely to make education reporters sigh wearily are "national" and "commission." Those of us who have been doing this for awhile know that many government, business and non-profit groups cannot resist the urge to gather great men and women together frequently to plan our schools' future. The result is almost always a great waste of time and paper.

He goes on to explain that the current well intended efforts by the government are not going to fix the problems with public education. He makes a number of good points.

In his column Innocents in Blogland Jay reports on some suggestions his readers have for education blogs to follow. Most of them were blogs I had not heard of before.

Technorati tags: homeschooling, homeschool, home school, home education, parenting, children, education, , , ,

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