Thursday, September 21, 2006

Links to interesting posts - 21 Sep 2006

Have you been meaning to take your children to a museum? Sherry posts that September 30th is Museum Day and many museums will be celebrating by having free admission. She found a site which reports the museums near you that will be participating.

Dana found that Veggie Tales will be on NBC, without the scripture verse at the end. My family has enjoyed Veggie Tales for years. It will be fun to see how this works out.

In There Is, Apparently, Such a Thing As a Free Lunch Anne reports that the Hawaii Department of Education has moved into the business of giving loans to students for lunch. One of the fundamental problems with public schools is that they are asked to do so much. Schools have dozens of activities that they are suppose to do, and the basics like reading and writing get lost among the conflicting goals. Public schools would be greatly improved if they were given just the goal of teaching the 3 Rs, and told to stay away from pretty much everything else, even loaning lunch money.

WJFR has been Learning Latin in Later Life. She has a great list of resources and explains why she has decided to learn Latin. One of the great things about homeschooling is it reminds parents that education should be a life long process.

Technorati tags: homeschooling, homeschool, home school, home education, parenting, children, education, , , ,

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