Monday, January 30, 2006

What does the public school system really care about points to two columns today which both address the question: "What does the public school system really care about?"

Joel Turtel (at NewsWithViews) looks at some of the people against school choice and charter schools. One of the main claims by public school defenders is that school choice or charter schools will destroy the public schools. Shouldn't the issue be whether the students would get a better education? But no, many people in the public school system are more concerned about their jobs.

A column at the Opinion Journal has some of the same thoughts. The opening paragraph is:

Teachers unions keep telling us they care deeply, profoundly, about poor children. But what they do, as opposed to what they say, is behave like the Borg, those destructive aliens in the "Star Trek" TV series who keep coming and coming until everyone is "assimilated."

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