Saturday, December 10, 2005

Links to interesting postings - 10 Dec 05

Dr. Helen Smith again addresses some issues of boys and education. Most public schools want young boys to sit quietly. Dr. Helen references an article in the Washington Post by Michael Gurian, author of The Minds of Boys : Saving Our Sons From Falling Behind in School and Life. In the article Michael Gurian says: "It doesn't matter too much who boys and men are -- what matters is who we think they should be." In an update she has another quotation from Neurobiologist Larry Cahill of the University of California-Irvine who said “A lot of scientists still don’t want to talk about sex differences in the brain. It scares people…(But) what scares me is seeing my own findings and choosing not to believe them." If you have young boys, it would be worth checking out her post. In general public schools want boys to site still and be quiet. Public schools also push academics on young boys before they are ready to learn.

HomeSchoolPost has a link to a nice article about why some mothers choose to homeschool. One of the women is quoted as saying: “My mom has taught my kids history for years. My dad taught them computer skills. They have had opportunities to take flying lessons. They have had lots of opportunities that they wouldn’t have had in public schools, nor would they have had the time for some of these things had they been in public school.”

Education Watch just put up a post about a research study in the UK. "... researchers from the University of Bristol have found that children whose teacher had received a financial performance reward, achieved half a grade higher in each subject at GCSE." So when there is a bonus for better education, many teachers were able to improve how well they taught.

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