She starts with:
There is such a wealth of information in Carnival of Homeschooling for this week, that it is really hard to know where to start! I'll just have all you contributors know that it took me 3 times longer than I thought to put this carnival together because every time I got done reading one of your articles, I just had to keep reading more and more articles from your blogs!
I genuinely hope everyone enjoys this week's edition and that you are blessed with some encouragement and some new ideas from your time. Enjoy!
Pop over to the carnival and read all the entries which distracted her.

Technorati tags: homeschooling, homeschool, home school, home education, parenting, children, education, Carnival of Homeschooling
I'm seriously considering homeschooling our son...he's not yet even 2 but I want to know the direction our family is going as early as possible...I come from a big family who are all very much against homeschooling and I only have one friend who was homeschooled but I was a nanny for 5 years before having our son and I've seen both the public and private school systems and I'm not impressed, in fact, it scares me but I don't know where to begin. Our religious beliefs are very important to us but alot of the homeschooling groups around us focus WAY more on their spiritual enrichment and not so much on academics...where can I find academic support online? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
One of the first books my wife and I read about homeschooling was "The Well Trained Mind" by Susan Wise Bauer and her mother. You can read some thoughts about the book here, along with links to her typical days.
Another thing that may help you is understanding just how ineffective is the factory model of public schools. Years ago I came across a study that found the average student in K to 12 got about two hours of real teaching. The rest of it was going to the next class, recess, lunch, PE, waiting for the teacher to answer a question and so on. Don't compare the reality of your teaching your son to the imagined perfection of some public school class, because the perfect class doesn't exist at public schools. This post about the power of tutoring may reassure you.
There are tons of resources on the internet. Once you get started I think you'll find the real problem is picking between all the curriculums available to you.
If you have any more questions, just ask.
Good luck.
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