Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My Adventures at School

It has been a little less than a week since I enrolled a foster child in high school. This has been my chance to see life on the other side of things since we have never sent any of our own children to public school.

There are some very nice and dedicated people who work at the school, but for the most part I don't like the whole system.

I hadn't realized how it would feel giving up that much control of your child's time. Since this is a short-term placement for a foster child, it is not quite the same impact on me as one of my own children, but I can see that I don't like it at all. However, sending a child to school is in some ways harder with a foster child. With my own kids, I can trust them to tell me what is really going on. With this kid, I have no idea. We don't have the relationship or the history.

I also have no clear picture of what the school or the students are promoting as far as lifestyle and morality (or the lack there of). She (the foster child) came home with an anti-war button with some meaningless slogan which she put on her backpack. She told me that "some man" had given it to her at school. I thought it was a little strange that an adult was permitted on school property to hand out any type of propaganda and/or paraphernalia, no matter what side of the issue it was.

I will be glad when this little adventure in public school land is over.

Technorati tags: homeschooling, homeschool, home school, home education, parenting, children, public school, public education, education

1 comment:

ChristineMM said...

Keep us posted. Dying to hear more stories.

Amazing about the button.

Wow what a thing to have taken in a teenaged foster student. You are an amazing family!