Freshmen Enrollment Is Down 16% This Fall links to a post at the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center which reports:
Enrollment picture worsens, with more colleges reporting data. Roughly one month into the fall semester, undergraduate enrollment is running 4.0 percent below last year’s level, and the upward trend for graduate enrollment has slipped to 2.7 percent. Overall postsecondary enrollment is down 3.0 percent as of September 24. Most strikingly, first-time students are by far the biggest decline of any student group from last year (-16.1% nationwide and -22.7% at community colleges).
That is amazing.
There was a chart with some details, breaking down the decline in enrollment by type of college and age group. Those ages 21 to 24 entering public four year colleges declined by a whopping 40%.
Hat tip: Instapundit.