Friday, September 05, 2008

Sarah Palin as a Rorschach inkblot test

I read a variety of blogs, more than just homeschooling. One of the things I've noticed is how quickly people are taking sides on Sarah Palin. She's gone from an unknown to widely recognized in seven days. Google blog search reports 255,000 hits! Just amazing.

Sarah Palin seems to either be the next great politician, or someone who is going to take our country into ruin. Last night it occurred to me that Sarah Palin is a political Rorschach inkblot test. People seem to find in Sarah what they are looking for.

Part of this is driven by which side people are already on. If a blogger is pushing for Barack Obama, then they look for Sarah's faults and weaknesses, both real and imagined. If someone wants John McCain to be the next president, they report on the things they like.

One blogger took only twenty four hours to decide Sarah was totally unqualified. Dr. Laura is upset that Sarah is abandoning her family. Some are digging up every piece of dirt they can find on Sarah. I've seen some pretty inflammatory posts about Sarah.

On the flip side there are some who think Sarah is great; this is the tongue in cheek version. People point to her 80% rating in Alaska. People like all the conservative things she said in her speech. Some like that she will be homeschooling her oldest daughter.

The politicians we support do reveal aspects of who we are. For Obama and McCain it has been a gradual process over months and years. For Sarah Palin it was sudden and dramatic.

This will sure be an interesting election.

Technorati tags: mccain, sarah, palin, obama


Crimson Wife said...

I have to say that I tend to agree with Dr. Laura. It would be fine for Mrs. Palin to balance a demanding job and a large family with a young, special needs child if her husband were a SAHD. But he's off on oil rigs and fishing boats and competing in snowmobile races much of the time.

When Gov. Jane Swift of Massachusetts had twins while in office, she had the support of a husband who was home full-time. She went back to work very quickly after giving birth but at least her kids were being raised by a loving parent.

Malcolm Kirkpatrick said...

Senators McCain and Obama both have large deficiencies, in personality and experience, in my opinion. I was on a knife edge between the Libertarian (Representative Bob Barr) and Senator McCain, whose liabilities concern me somewhat less than Senator Obama's. Then McCain nominated Governor Palin. Immigration reform will have to wait another four years and then it may not be politically possible, but I'm voting for Governor Palin and that old guy.

Don't worry about her kids: she can homeschool them and the Secret Service can teach them salable skills like martial arts, handloading, and firearm maintenance.

Fun Palin fact to use on critics of her carrying a Down's syndrome baby to term: "Even with Down's syndrome, a Palin baby is smarter than you".

Henry Cate said...

With this election I'm hoping that Mr. Palin will do the Mr. Mom thing and focus full time on the children. It would be best for the children.

Malcolm, I feel largely as you do. I see McCain as liberal and Obama as way liberal.