Friday, September 05, 2008

Interesting - word clouds of John McCain & Sarah Palin's speeches

I found the word clouds of John McCain & Sarah Palin's speeches fascinating.

Has anyone seen word clouds for Obama and Biden?

(Hat tip: Instapundit)

Update I - 6 Sep 08
gary found a cool word cloud for Obama. Note, you'll need to have Java enabled for your browser.

Technorati tags: mccain, sarah, palin, obama, Biden


gary said...

After reading your post, I was looking into creating an Obama word cloud with wordle but when I got there, I found one was already featured.

I noticed Obama featured John McCain's name almost as prominently as Sarah Plain did.

Henry Cate said...

Thanks. That is a cool word cloud.

I like the color, but I didn't notice any patterns. Do you know if the colors mean anything.

gary said...

Wired just posted a story displaying word clouds for all of the major speakers at both conventions.