Monday, September 01, 2008

Sarah Palin plans to homeschool

This sure is going to be an interesting election.

In general Janine and I don't blog about politics. I find very few discussions about politics prove fruitful. Rarely do people really listen and try to understand. Lots of dialogue seems to degenerate into name calling and bashing the other side.

I do think McCain's choice of Sarah Palin could be a good choice overall. My mother has a cousin who lived in Alaska for fifty years until just recently when she moved to Southern California. My mother's cousin met Sarah Palin and was very impressed with her. Today I found one more reason to vote for Sarah, Spunky reports: Sarah Palin Plans to Homeschool!

Spunky also says the NEA praises Palin, so I guess no one is perfect. :-)

Technorati tags: homeschooling, homeschool, home school, home education, parenting, children


Lydia Netzer said...

I don't think enrolling her pregnant daughter in a correspondene course to finish high school makes her a homeschooler. Do you really think she's going to be homeschooling four kids while being the Vice President? I mean really. Come on. Love her for the guns, love her for the drilling, but don't be silly and say she's a homeschooler.

Henry Cate said...

Humm... At one point I'm pleased that another student will be out of the clutches of government schools.

We need two terms. One for those who take ownership of the education of their children.

And a second term for those that take their children out of the typical classroom setting.

I'd like the first to be "homeschooling" but I don't have a good term for what Sarah Palin will be doing, which I agree isn't really homeschooling.

Lydia Netzer said...

I think people are looking for a reason to like her, which is completely understandable. I feel pretty bad about the media storm that's been rocking that family in the last week. Could make public school look like an idyllic wonderland for those kids. Pretty awful. I get what you're saying though. :D

Henry Cate said...

"I feel pretty bad about the media storm that's been rocking that family in the last week."

And people wonder why we don't have more competent people running for office. It has to be one of the toughest jobs emotionally. Almost everyone seems to take pot shots at you. I ran for office about twenty years ago, before I got married. I'd be reluctant to do it now.