Thursday, May 04, 2006

Selections from - 4 May 2006

Joanne Jacobs found a Fordham report on charter schools. Those in charge of allowing organizations to open charter schools are getting more selective about who they give permission to. They claim they want to inprove the standards. I wonder if at least part of the problem is charter schools as a whole are doing better, and thus making the public schools look bad.

She also has an update on the Doty Family, a homeschooling family in Washington State. A couple years back Jude Doty was fined for using his sons in construction jobs. The fines totaled $100,000. The family has moved to Idaho. Part of the claim is the government was worried about the safty of the children.

The last post I'll mention is about a new National Geographic survey. At first I thought it was the same survey Daryl mentioned a couple months back. The findings are basically the same, US young adults don't know much about geography. This recent survey had a different set of specific examples of what many young Americans don't know.

Technorati tags: homeschooling, homeschool, home school, home education, education, , , ,

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