After British solar eclipse expeditions in 1919 confirmed that light rays from distant stars were deflected by the gravity of the Sun in the amount he had predicted in his theory of relativity, Einstein became world-famous, an unusual achievement for a scientist. In his later years, his fame perhaps exceeded that of any other scientist in history. In popular culture, his name has become synonymous with great intelligence and genius. [From wikipedia.com]
The following are quotes attributed to Albert Einstein.
"I am neither especially clever nor especially gifted. I am only very, very curious."
The homeschool conference season is upon us. Mareen at The Thrifty Homeschooler shares ten tips on how to make your conference experience positive and beneficial. Here's some of her good advice: "Ordering curricula sight unseen is never a safe bet."
Mellisa at Home Sweet Home has links to science websites that even Einstein would love.
"Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom."
Charity at She's Right looks at some recent proposals by the NEA, such has limiting homeschooling to certified teachers. Check out Why I hate the NEA (no, not the strike) for more details.
PunditGuy give us his view on a piece of legislation in California (SB 1437) which could remove terms like “mom” and “dad” from school textbooks.
Christine at The Thinking Mother gives some ideas about how an unschooler who is feeling isolated and unsupported in her local community (for unschooling) can find support.
Here's a heads up from the Thomas Institute. Rethinking Education Unschool Conference now offers grandparents and great grandparents free admission!

Principled Discovery presents Botany Through Play. This is about a French writer and educator who was home educated herself. She anticipated many modern methods of education. Here is a bit about her life and a sample project to help teach botany to children.
Janine at Why Homeschool looks at how a 5 year old learns new vocabulary words in I Have a Stitch in My Side.
The Crib Chick gives us a glimps into what a read aloud really looks like for many homeschooling families with more than a few kids. Do you have days like this?
"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school."
Joanne of A Day in Our Lives talks about the problem of labels like "gifted" or "learning disabled" in Day Sixty Seven (School labels).
Scott asks a question: Are We Funschooling Yet? at Somerville. He explores the possible need for a new word to really capture what we are doing: having fun learning.
"Information is not knowledge."
Laurie from Trivium Pursuit, shows how letting go of a rigid school day made way for reading time. She reminds us that the curriculum is not as important as the development of the mind.
Karen Edmisten explains Why I love our read-alouds, Part I. Karen shares ways in which reading aloud to her children has lead to rich and fruitful discussions.
Lioness at We Have Always Lived in a Homeschool shares the Gold Quote. "In study after study.......tutored students outdistance 98 percent of those taught in conventional groups settings." One on one instruction (tutoring) is what homeschooling is all about.
"It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education."
Spunky of Spunky HomeSchool shares some thoughts about homechooling in the teen years in her post From Homeschool to College. So, do homeschoolers need a formal education opportunites to prepare for college? Homeschoolers who have navigated the road to college are especially asked to weigh in on this topic.
Are you looking for fun things to do with flash cards? Here's some hints from Scribble Design.
At Homeschool Daze Blog, Julee put away the school books and sent her son into the garage to build a bird house.
"Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either."
Barbara at The Imperfect Homeschooler explains why it's especially important for homeschoolers to be prepared for unexpected emergencies, big and small. She's now the Queen of Household Stashes, determined never to run out of anything they might need.
"Most people say that is it is the intellect which makes a great scientist. They are wrong: it is character."
Sprittibee shares her lesson plans, ideas and links for a fun Sciencerelated Unit Study on Friction, Action and Reaction (part of her KONOSCharacter Building Curriculum).
At Twice Bloomed Wisteria we can read I've Been Planning #2 which has her plans and resources for the next year of homeschooling with a concentration on science.
At Keeping It Together, in Of Bunnies and Boys, a mother exmines the rite of passages as her sons are becoming men.
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."
Let's Play Math! shares a whimsical number line, negative numbers are easy for children to understand. Post includes activity and game suggestions.
Queen of Carrots at Introducing the World reminisces about what she did on a typical day when she was a kid. Somehow we learn in spite of--or maybe because of--never sticking to our schedule.
Steve at Dad's Corner writes about Pride, Prejudice, and the New Hillbillies. He wonders it's possible to win over those prejudicedagainst homeschoolers as unsocialized..
Elizabeth at Real Learning exponds on What is Real Learning. She proposes that educating a child’s mind is a primary goal of home education and is absolutely essential to helping our children become what God wants them to be.
"A photograph never grows old. You and I change, people change all through the months and years but a photograph always remains the same. How nice to look at a photograph of mother or father taken many years ago. You see them as you remember them."
We'll end with a reminder that Mother's Day is just around the corner. NerdMom of the Nerd Family has an educational approach to help prompt children to remember their mother.
And Beverly Hernandez, of About Homeschool, has a Mother's Day Coupon Book and some Printables.
Go here for the archives of previous carnivals. Next week the carnival will be held at Home Sweet Home.
If you are interested in submitting a post, click here for information.
For those interested, the Carnival of Education will be coming out on Wednesday.
I'd like to thank everyone who has helped out. A big thank you to all the participants in this carnival. And thanks to all those who help promote the Carnival of Homeschooling.
Technorati tags: homeschooling, homeschool, home school, home education, parenting, children, education, Carnival of Homeschooling, Albert Einstein
The night owl at Sprittibee says - "splendid job"!!! I loved the quotes. I collect them myself.
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is.
- Albert Einstein
Great carnival! I love your quotes...and the feeling that I'm learning something even though I haven't actually followed any of the links yet. It's too late for me to think, so I think I'll save it for tomorrow...
Great job Janine & Henry. Thanks for all you do. :-)
A Day in Our Lives
Ahhh! Sorry Melissa! Henry will fix that as soon as he gets back. I would try, but I'm having trouble with blogger on my pc.
It's not just you Janine. Blogger is got a bad case of the hiccups. it comes and goes.
Thanks for putting this carnival together. The quotes are a lot of fun to read.
Wow! The blog I've been looking for. I have been homeschooled all my life. Great idea! I love it. You know, I can always count on one thing when I tell people I'm homeschooled: "Do you to school in your pajamas?" Without fail. I could name you one exception.
When I Google, I find the quote to have been "Education is what remains after one has forgotten what he has learned in school". Why do we change quotes to use politically correct pronouns?
That's very odd. I went back and checked, and the most common version of the quote is as stated in the comment by Anonymous.
"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school."
When I was putting the carnival together, I simply never noticed the word change from "he" to "one."
I would prefer to use the version that is most likely accurate. None of the quote lists that I looked at gave sources or details, so it is hard to confirm. Just because an item is more quoted on the internet does not necessarily make it more accurate. However, I would guess that Albert Einstein would have used the male pronoun of "he" when speaking.
So, it seems reasonable to update the carnival to show the most likely authentic version of the quote.
I also noticed that the world everything was left out in the first version of the quote.
The time I've spent here has been *very* fulfilling to say the least. I've gleaned so much encouragement from following the links of the individual topics and coming back for more! Thanks for taking the time "host and contributors" to share so much. I have to get up very early so with everything in me, I'm going to pry myself away! Lol
God Bless,
Cathy :)
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