Monday, May 08, 2006

The right to behave rudely

I liked the account by a substitute teacher in Washington state. She found that many students seem to believe they have a right to behave rudely. She reads them the riot act telling them:

"You do not have the right to prevent other students from learning! In fact, my understanding is that disrupting the educational process is illegal. Did you know that? Students who actually want to learn do not have to put up with this. You are not hurting me -- you are preventing other students from learning. You do not have the right to do that, etc. etc."

The rude students were surprised and calmed down.

Unfortunately there are too many parents, politicians, and even school administrators who believe teachers should not be able to discipline badly behaved students.

With homeschooling I expect most students are pretty well behaved.

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1 comment:

ChristineMM said...

I remember the same comment from the regular teachers from my public school days. I can't tell you how many times I heard it. I don't recall anyone caring or being impacted by it. The goal of disruption was to be disruptive and to interrupt the intended goal. Unfortunately for me I had to learn at a very young age to sit still and shut up and endure the annoying tactics of such troublemakers lest I get in trouble myself. I was bored to tears in school. These memories help me remember yet another reason why I don't want my children in school; I'd rather have them learn academic stuff in short lesson times then go play in freedom for the rest of the day rather than endure the time wasting that goes on in the classrooms. I really do remember feeling resentful of the jerks in the class who misbehaved and ticked the teachers off so the rest of us had to deal with the resulting bad mood of the teacher. Thank you very little.