Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Who is responsible, the teacher, or the student?

USA Today had a column by Patrick Welsh. Patrick's main point is that students are doing poorly in our public schools because they are not working hard.

This was close to Paul Zoch's main point in his book Doomed to Fail: The Built-in Defects of American Education. Both Patrick and Paul are pointing out that we are not holding the students accountable for their learning. Paul says all the focus, effort, and money, spent on the teachers or schools will be wasted, until students are held back if they don't master the material. Students need to learn to work hard.

I think there is a lot of truth to this claim. Good things come to those who work for them. One of the things we try to do in our homeschooling is to help our daughters learn to focus and work.

If you have the time, go check out Paul Zoch's book from the library. If you don't have the time, read Patrick Welsh's article.

Technorati tags: homeschooling, homeschool, home school, home education, education, , ,


Anonymous said...

I think that's part of it...but I think a good deal of it rests in my blog entry for today. Americans spend less time with their children than almost every other nation of the world? We're creating a generation of children suffering attachment disorders...

Henry Cate said...

Dana made several good points. If you haven't checked it out, here's the link: