Thursday, March 16, 2006

Selections from Friends of Dave - 15 Mar 06

Dave Johnston blogs at Friends of Dave. His posts range all over the map, with a majority of them having to do with education. Here are some of his recent posts:

Yesterday he mentioned a recent column by John Stossel. John writes about how several hundred teachers showed up to hassle John Stossel, challenging him to teach. John says they didn't challenge him about his 20/20 report of Stupid in America. John says he is willing to teach. I wonder if the teacher union will follow through on their challenge. Dave Johnston has a link to the video of the 20/20 report. Here is the transcript.

Dave Johnston may have been the first place I saw a mention about how testing helps improve retention. With the No Child Left Behind law there has been a great fuss over testing. Many people attacking the NCLB law claim that teachers will end up being forced to teach to the test, and the children won't really learn anything. It is interesting to hear about studies which find that children learn more when they are tested.

Dave reports on the truth about conflicting stories on how the California State Board of Education voted on changes in history textbooks. Two newspapers reported opposite results. Dave clarifies exactly what happened. This is another example of the mess public schools are in when it comes to textbooks.

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