Thursday, February 23, 2006

Another reason to blog

Normally the posts on this blog are about education, homeschooling, and why more parents should homeschool. As we see interesting posts, we'll mention other topics.

We've found another reason to blog: free books. La Shawn Barber writes about a publisher who is looking for bloggers to review books. What we need is someone to start a list of publishers who are willing to send advance copies to bloggers.

(Hat tip: Instapundit)


Spunky said...

This is not a book publishers but a company set up as a liason between publishers and bloggers. She does have a list and actively seeks publishers and authors who want bloggers to review their materials. I have been reviewing for almost a year. Stacy is a great person and excellent at what she does. I'd encourage anyone who is interested in blogging for books to check her site out.

Henry Cate said...

Spunky, thanks for clarifying just how the blog for books thing works. I had only read La Shawn's post and had been confused.

It is amazing to me that developing on the internet. Blogging has only been around for a couple years. As more and more people start to read blogs I wonder what other services will develop.

Robert M. Lindsey said...

As a librarian, I have dome several book reviews. But recently, I got an email from W Publishing Group (I think this was formerly Word Publishing) offering a book for me to review for my blog. And I don't have very many readers. Why did they pick me? A very interesting development in the blogging world.