She starts the carnival with:
Our family recently watched the 1900's House. A 1990's family is transported back to the 1900's, required to use 1900 equipment, clothing, etc. You know the schtick, the producers try to re-create a time period, transplant a modern day family in to it and watch the ensuing culture clash. My younger kids were mesmerized by the discussion, work load, and clothing. We're a fairly history oriented family and often talk about times and seasons. We currently live in an areas where the seasons are clearly defined by temperature, vegetation and activity. This wasn't always the case; Southern California and New Mexico clearly didn't have the low temps, the snow, the ice, the blowing wind (o.k. they both had their fair share of wind). Sometimes seasons are more clearly recognizable than at other times. A second semester often heralds a new homeschooling season- what's new and what's the same at your house?

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