Saturday, November 20, 2010

Good thought about our lives

A couple times a month I try to do a Google search looking for new blogs about homeschooling. I have found that over time the Carnival of Homeschooling seems to lose contributors slightly faster than we gain, unless I reach out and invite more bloggers to participate in the carnival.

Today I came across this quote:

"If your beliefs are worth dying for then your life is worth living."
Guy Average

Good thought.


Rose said...

I'm guilty of not contributing in a while. I get sidetracked, somehow....where does the day go exactly?

Been watching a documentary you might find interesting, trailer is at

I'm just a watcher, not related to the filmmaker or anything :)

Anonymous said...

Hi: Thanks for posting my quote on your blog. I found an entry link from your blog when I was checking my Statcounter, so I clicked over to check it out. Ironically, my wife homeschools our five children, so we are "all in" for homeschooling, life members of HSLDA even.

You guys are doing a great job on your blog! I have done some posts that relate to homeschooling and I have a newsfeed widget embedded from as well.

My wife has taken time from her homeschooling to do a single post on the blog, and I see hits on her post almost every day even though it was done months ago...just goes to show the power of a homeschool mom! (url of her post: )

Thanks again for the link to my quote! I'll add you to the blogroll on Guy Average. Best wishes!

Henry Cate said...

Rose - I noticed you've started contributing again to the Carnival of Homeschooling. Welcome back.

Thank you for the link to the trailer. It does look interesting.

Guy Average - Thank you for your kind words. If you or your wife ever write about homeschooling, please consider submitting it to the Carnival of Homeschooling.

I know what you mean. We get hits on posts for five years ago. Kind of interesting to see which posts end up being popular.