Thursday, May 13, 2010

Would you like to be on the Today show?

The Today Show is asking Do you have experience with home schooling?

Do you home school your kids? Were you home-schooled as a child? Tell us why you or your family chose that option and how it has worked out. Share your stories and experiences and we may use them in a future story for

They have a form to fill out. If you are interested, go to the link and write about your experiences.

(Hat tip: Home-ed mailing list)

Technorati tags: homeschooling, homeschool, home school, home education, parenting, children, education


Unknown said...

If anyone goes on this show, they will make them look like fools, as they have every other homeschooler they have interviewed.

That last one went so badly, people in the comments section on the show's web site were frothing at the mouth to stop ALL homeschooling. I would be very careful about this.

Henry Cate said...

Thanks for the feedback. I hadn't realized that the Today Show had already had an attack episode.

After all the games and unhanded tricks Dr. Phil did in his show on homeschooling I decided never to watch another episode of his show. And I haven't.

At some level I think it is worth taking the risk, but you are right, we should be careful, very careful.