Thursday, January 28, 2010

What teachers want to say

This is pretty funny:

Though Snoops says it isn't true.

Technorati tags: children, education, government schools, children, public school, public education


homeschool101 said...

I know is supposed to be an accurate site but I am not a 100% sold on it that they know if it is true or not, I say this because I received a few emails that i checked to see if was true or not, both claimed to be false on snopes, but come to find out they were 100% true and verified on Fox news. this may not be true but just a heads up not always is snopes correct.
This is funny video. :)

Anonymous said...

I believe Michelle Malkin has proven that Snopes is heavily liberal biased so, unfortunately, must be taken with a grain of salt. Wish there was a TRUE place out there with NO bias where you could verify stuff. Sad that politics, religion, etc. will always interfere with truth.

Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

Suspicious it is NOT a real school. Real schools so far as I know always announce their name (ex. South City High School) on the machine.