Monday, August 03, 2009

Break from academics

Every year I plan to "homeschool" through the summer. To me, that means doing math, spelling, and other academic studies.

For this summer, I had planned to do spelling, math and writing. However, in July when Baby Bop had his followup evaluation with the neuro-developmental specialist, I had my older two girls evaluated. Both of which had some interesting deficits.

I wasn't too surprised. My older two daughters were later readers and are terrible at spelling. My middle daughter got a 0% in Spelling Vowels on the CAT/5. This is the same kid who got 98%, 94%, 99% on Word Meaning, Multimeaning Words, and Words in Context respectively. When you spell that bad and read that well, it has got to be a mid-brain processing problem.

So, instead of studying Saxon Math and Spelling Power, all my kids are creeping and crawling, locating sounds, identifying smells, and experiencing a variety of textures.

It will be interesting to see how spelling, math and soccer go in the fall after a few months of our "therapy" routine. Another benefit is that it is easier to get Baby Bop to do his therapy when all the kids are doing it too.

Technorati tags: brain, development, damage, homeschooling, homeschool, home school, home education, parenting, children, education, government schools, children, public school, public education

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