Monday, November 03, 2008

Please vote intelligently

There is a push by many to have lots of people vote in the election tomorrow. Many seem to feel that large numbers of people voting is a good thing.

I would much rather have ten people vote intelligently, thoughtfully, with due consideration about the issues and the candidates, than to have a thousand people just vote along party lines.

Please study the issues. Please ponder the history of the candidates. Think about what would be best for the country, and what would be best for your children.

Please vote intelligently.

Thank you.

Technorati tags: election, vote


Anonymous said...

"I would much rather have ten people vote intelligently, thoughtfully, with due consideration about the issues and the candidates, than to have a thousand people just vote along party lines."

I second that!

Kayluray said...

Just the other day, I was in a conversation with some other ladies and we mentioned that Tuesday is election day. Someone (not in our conversations) let out a little cheer and whooped a candidates name? I turned and looked at her and asked "why that candidate?" She couldn't give me an answer. She stumbled and stammered and recited rhetoric back to me. It scared me to think that this person will be voting and not knowing why she is voting a certain way.
With all that said, I sooooo agree with what you are saying. Learn about the candidates and find out their history before voting.

Henry Cate said...

"She couldn't give me an answer. She stumbled and stammered and recited rhetoric back to me. It scared me to think that this person will be voting and not knowing why she is voting a certain way."

Some times I think it would be nice if there was a way we could stop people from voting if they didn't have at least a clue about the issues.

I realize it probably would never happen, but I still fantsize at times.

Marbel said...

I have thought about this many times myself; in particular this year after hearing a few "man on the street" type interviews where it's obvious people have no clue why they are voting a certain way.

Henry Cate said...

One of my favorite "clueless man on the streets" was a video I saw a year or two ago. Someone had taken a map of the world and moved the country names around. It was great, I think Australia had been renamed to Korea. Iraq was some where in Afric, and Iran was in South East Asia. The reporter asked one guy something like "You can see how far apart Iran and Iraq are, why do you think they don't get along?" The guy looked at the map and said "I don't know."

ChristineMM said...

I agree completely.

One odd thing though is that often people have the same goal in mind but the two paths on how each things we should take action to arrive there are two opposite things. So that is difficult.

I have some friends who share a common final goal with me but they are voting for the candidate I'm not voting for. We each think the one we plan to vote for will get us to that one same place. Very odd.

Charmaine said...

Amen. I continue to enjoy your blog!

ChurchPunkMom said...

amen to that.

Wendy said...

My least favorite thing about this last election was the fact that so many people were basing their decision on forwarded emails (which were completely false). One fairly intelligent man actually believed that Obama wanted to change the national anthem to "I'd like to teach the world to sing" and that he didn't have a birth certificate. Are you kidding me? Absolutely crazy.