Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I echo Debbie Schwarzer's call to write letters

My mother noticed that on the 14th of March Debbie Schwarzer wrote on the HomeSchool Association of California's web site to encourage homeschoolers to write their local paper. Here is part of her post:

Both editorials praise homeschooling in many ways, yet unaccountably conclude that more regulation of homeschooling is needed. That is where we beg to differ. Homeschooling is working now and does not need to be fixed, overseen, or regulated.

All of the groups have talked, and we all agree that what we need now is really a big PR push. The public needs to hear from homeschoolers and friends of homeschoolers. They need to know we're not fringe nut cases, that we're responsible, that WE have the best interests of our kids firmly at heart, even if some families that make it to the papers (and that's why they're in the juvenile court system and we're not) might be different.

We encourage as many of you as can to write letters to the editor of your local papers (look at their websites for rules on submitting letters, which can often be sent over the internet at their website) telling them that no such additional regulation is warranted.

It is best to be short and sweet. Be passionate but respectful, and don't denigrate anyone. State, for instance, who you are (e.g., "Our family homeschools in Anytown, California" or "My daughter teaches her three children at home") and then begin your points.

If you haven't written to your local paper, please do so. A large PR push can remind people that homeschoolers are doing just find and we don't need laws or oversite to fix something that isn't broken.

Technorati tags: homeschooling, homeschool, home school, home education, parenting, children, education

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, but please, please proofread it or have someone else proofread it before you send it!