Thursday, November 01, 2007

This week's Carnival of Space and an Announcement

Fraser Cain is hosting this Week's Carnival of Space at his blog Universe Today.

The announcement is Fraser will now be the organizer for the Carnival of Space.

Life has been very hectic recently and I haven't been able to put in the time I'd like to in promoting the Carnival of Space. I think the carnival has the potential to grow to include dozens of bloggers each week and really reach out to others in the blogosphere. My main focus is homeschooling while branching out into other issues like education, family, and random stuff. I thought I could also promote the effort of moving into space, but I just haven't had the time.

Fraser's focus is Space. That is what he blogs about. He has graciously accept the challenge to be the next organizer. He'll arrange for other hosts, try to line up new participants and help promote the carnival.

Please give him your support to help the Carnival of Space continue to grow.


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