Wednesday, October 03, 2007

One of the benefits of homeschooling - children retain their love for learning

One of the first reasons Janine and I had for homeschooling was to help our daughters retain their love for learning. Little children are constantly asking questions. They want to learn. They are excited to learn. Yet most students graduating from high school see learning as drugery, as a chore, something that you have to do, but they no longer love to learn.

I was reminded by Susan at Corn and Oil just how wonderful homeschooling is for helping children stay excited about learning. In defense of constant learning Susan references a good article by a homeschooler who writes about how homeschooling provides an environment in which children can be excited about education.

It is a good article. The concluding paragraph is fun:

"We can all help to make learning a pleasure again. One of the homeschooled boys we know (who had just left the public school system) exemplified the latter point. I asked how his first week of homeschool went, and he lit up and said, 'I finally had time to make a catapult!' In this era of over-scheduling, school overcrowding, and homework overload, it would be nice to have more time for catapults."

Maybe we should build a cataplut.

Technorati tags: homeschooling, homeschool, home school, home education, parenting, children, education

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