Things parents should say to their youth soccer players before a match:
I love you!
Good luck!
Have fun!
After a match
I love you!
It was great to see you play!
What would you like to eat?
Homeschoolers are are very supportive and nurturing.
At Tomorrow is Another Day is a request: Calling All Homeschoolers- Cool Homeschool Ideas Wanted! Mrs. Ghost shares what worked for her and asks for ideas from others.
From Pick the Brain are 5 Keys to Success in Foreign Language Learning
Homeschooling Journey reminds us that parents learn along with our children and shares some Homeschooling Tips to help parents improve.
Denise of Let’s play Math! writes that there is a Free American classics study guide for junior high or high school American literature.
Elena of My Domestic Church explains how her older students developed an Enthusiasm for Forensic Science after watching a Discovery Channel Program on the Kennedy assassination.
Mama Squirrel up in Dewey's Treehouse reveals how she designed a high school history course for a part-time homeschooler in The Apprentice's Canadian History.
Homeschooler are happy to give advice and share what they have learned.
From Just Enough and Nothing More are 10 Ideas for a Better Home Education.
Notes From A Homeschooling Mom encourages us to Help failing Homeschoolers.
Carolyn from Guilt-Free Homeschooling has Top 15 Mottoes to Get You Through Your First Homeschooling Year. The first year is the hardest; Carolyn list will provide encouragement.
Dana of Principled Discovery writes about what she would do different if she had only know…
Mrs. Mental Multivitamin makes a great point in When I hear somebody sigh, 'Life is hard...'
Timothy Power of Sometimes I’m Actually Coherent shares what he learned while teaching his daughter to read in Phonics vs. Sight-Recognition Reading: A Case Study.
The Headmistress of The Common Room explains how she Chooses Sentences for Copywork.
From Po Moyemu--In My Opinion is a report on the Live and Learn Conference.
Our Homeschooling Expedition has a unit on the Civil War with hands on activities and living books.
Saille who is trying to Survive the Experience writes how she aligns geography studies with her homeschooling methods in Geography in (Our) Context.
The Fall
The Fall is a fun time of the year. In addition to soccer games, we enjoy the cool weather and getting back into the routine of learning.
From Amusing Reflections Of A Country Girl Jocelyn shares few idea and thoughts on creating a fall or year 'round nature journal.
Autumn is in the air, and apple season is coming! This is a great unit study to get in the mood for fall. SmallWorld has an extensive Apple Unit for learning about apples.
At The Heart of Harmony is homeschooling at its best: Nature Study: Goin’ To the Pond.
Rebecca from Little-Homeschool-on-the-Prairie writes that taking a homeschooling vacation in September is like have Dessert First!
Stephanie writes about her First Day of School with Tuesday Links at Adventures in the 100 Acre Wood.
At HSBiz are some Links for Fall.

"Dribbling is one of the most important skills in soccer. Dribbling is how one player moves the ball up and down the field. To dribble, the player moves the ball back and forth from one foot to the other. This is done by shoving, pushing, tapping, or nudging the ball with the inside, outside, or sole of the foot."
Homeschoolers have fundamental skills they learn first, before they move on to other skills.
At Round Unvarnish'd Tale is an account of how Cheryl discovered and began homeschooling in Why We Started Homeschooling.
Susan at Corn and Oil lays out the how to's in regulations for new homeschoolers; in particular for Illinois homeschoolers and provides links those just starting or considering homeschooling in Getting Started.
From Day by Day Homeschooling Dawn has a Few SOTW Ideas to supplement the early chapters on Mesopotamia and Egypt in “Story of the World” by Susan Wise Bauer.
At Life Without School Stephanie answers the question are "late readers" at a disadvantage? She explains why this is not the case in How Can You Learn if You Can't Read?
"A pass is a kick, or a ball played with the head, chest or thigh, that is intended to be received by a teammate. Like in basketball, passing is preferable to dribbling because the ball can be moved more quickly & can better be kept away from the other team."
Teamwork is also an important part of homeschooling. Children and parents need to work together to make homeschooling successful, and it helps to have the support of extended family and the community.
Alasandara shares her two School Year’s Resolutions.
Patty Wipfler and Julie Idleman wrote I Sword I’d Never Say That! for Nourishedmagazine.com.au. They have several tips on how to be better parents.
Play-Activities.com tells us It is that time of year: PYO. (Pick Your Own vegetables) This was a great family activity, and the children learned a lot.
Pass the Torch shares her School Year’s RESOLUTIONS and asked that her readers share their goals.
One of the funnest parts of soccer is scoring. Homeschoolers have fun in a variety of ways.
Kylin’s mom at Facipiers and Stinky Toes writes You might be a homeschooler if.......
At Reese's View Of The World is a response to 8 Reasons Not To Homeschool.
Some time we can have too much fun. Renae of Life Nurturing Education found her son was Bored of Amusement.
Both fun and serious - at Home Spun Juggling is the recent Home Spun comic strip #134, where the artist wonders why she can't complain about a bad homeschooling day without being told, "You can always send them to school."
Susan’s Pendulum tells us how to use for some of those trivia games that thefamily never seems to find time to play in Using Games.
Lizzie of A Dusty Frame shares some random moments from their first week of homeschool in Homeschool Fun.
From HowToMe are some tips on How to make a Custom Birthday Cake
The Not Quite Crunchy Parent wonders Is Afterschooling Too Much? and concludes, it's not, as long as it remains fun!
"There are occasions when a player should literally trap the ball."
As parents we want our children to capture certain ideas and concepts.
With Hands-On Geology ~ or "1 More Reason Why My Kids LOVE Homeschooling" at blog of a redhead we read about the wisdom of allowing teens to make informed choices.
At Percival Blakeney Academy in Beyond Rosetta Stone is a post about ways to help young boys who like bugs, knights and Harry Potter continue learning German.
At Today in Faerie School Rebecca explains how she and her 5th grader are learning about India in Ramayana for Indian stories. Rebecca shares links to some resources.
At All Info About Homeschooling is a post, Key to…Math Series, which reviews how the “Key to…Series” can help children learn mathematics and geometry at their own pace.
At A Hen’s Pace reports on her Education in Education.
As our children capture more and more ideas they become ready to take the next step, going off to college.
High School Grads Ready to Write in College? Nope at Great College Advice is about the importance of competent writing, and how many high school students are not prepared
Deborah from Eat Your History writes about the challenge of getting Santa Monica College to Acknowledge Your Transcript & Admit Your Child.
Matthew K. Tabor has tips on how a homeschooler can prepare his own school profile to provide context for the rest of his application in College Application Overview for Homeschoolers.
When the ball gets out of bounds, it may be thrown back into the game.
One of the benefits to homeschooling is we can go outside the traditional boundries.
Judy Aron of Consent Of The Governed makes the point that there can never can be "equivalent instruction" between government schools and homeschool in The Myth Of Equivalent Instruction.
From Higher Up and Further in are some tips for when you can’t afford a piano or private lessons in Learn to Play the Piano on a Shoestring.
Christine, The Thinking Mother, is glad her Older Son Wants To Be More Self-Directed With His Homeschooling.
Becky at Life Without School writes her thoughts on "Not Back to School" and that
annoying question: "What grade are you in?" in The Definition of Me.
"As players get older, they use their head more often to pass, receive, shoot or "redirect" the ball."
It is important to use our heads when homeschooling.
Lilliput Station shares her answer to What Should We Teach Our Daughters?
Homeschool2.0 Blog writes about Accurate Self-Assessment of Learning Style and provides some links to a couple tests parents can give to their children.

"Except in small-sided play, each team must have a designated goalkeeper. He is the only player on the field who can legally use his hands and then only inside the Penalty Box."
The goalkeeper is at the end of the field. As we come to the end of this carnival we'll share a few more posts.
Barbara Frank explains in The Flexibility of Homeschooling that homeschooling isn't hard; its flexibility actually makes life a lot easier.
From My Twenty Cents Keeps Moving is another unforeseen benefit of homeschooling in Why home's Cool.
The Online Education Database has a list of the Top 25 Librarian Bloggers.
Amber at Trust in the Lord shares her weekly homeschool plan in By Curious George I Think I've Got It!!!
Jacci at SalmonMe’s Xanga Site wonders “Are elite prep schools the only excellent academic option in the United States today?” in For Just $23,000 A Year.
Jacque who is Seeking Rest in Ancient Paths writes about Homeschooling and the Confidence Factor.
The NerdMom a chief technologist at the Nerd Family explains that record keeping for homeschooling doesn't have to be hard or expensive in Frugal Homeschooler: Record Keeping
Super Angel, top reporter for The Daily Planet, writes about what she has learned from her Senior class of Business Management Skills 101.
At Apollos Academy we that while a schedule may help us reach our educational goals, but sometimes more learning occurs when the schedule goes out the window in It’s Because of Days Like This.
And for our humble submission to this week’s carnival is Janine’s post on What about band? - Part 2.

There you have it, the soccer edition of the Carnival of Homeschooling.
If you have enjoyed this carnival, please spread the word. Please mention the carnival on your blog, and other appropriate places.
Go here for the archives of previous carnivals.
Next week the carnival will be held at About Homeschooling.
If you are interested in submitting a post for a future carnival, click here for information.
We thank everyone who has helped out. Thank you to all the participants in this carnival. And thanks to all those who help promote the Carnival of Homeschooling.

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Technorati tags: homeschooling, homeschool, home school, home education, parenting, children, education, Carnival of Homeschooling
Looks great, I can't wait to read the post.
WOW! There are a lot of great posts in there! Looking forward to finding the time to read them instead of skimming ;-)
I love this theme! Thanks for including my schoolyear's resolutions!
Woo hoo! Looks like alot of great reading material!
I'm really wishing I had taken that speedreading course...Great work putting this together, and thank you for your nice email about my post!
This made me laugh!
After a match
What would you like to eat?
If we can beat the kids before they tell us they're starved, that is the classic question after soccer.
I'll post the carnival later in the week. Looks wonderfully BIG and thanks for all you do!
Thanks for including us. I love the soccer theme just perfect for the Autumn.
Lots of great posts here! It will take awhile to sort through them all. I love the soccer theme, very creative.
Wow....I'm new to this, and it seems so comprehensive and totally amazing. Looking forward to curling up with my laptop screen this evening to read. Thank you for including me in this week's carnival.
Great game--and everybody wins!
Anyone for a snack and a juice box?
Thanks for hosting.
Thank you for hosting this carnival. I look forward to reading the posts. I'm sure that I'll learn a lot about the game.
Thank you for hosting the Carnival of Homeschooling.
I linked to it just now. I Digg'ed it too.
Have a great night.
Wow, what a great big wonderful carnival! Thanks for starting it!
~Excellent carnival, thank you for hosting it! A huge number of posts to browse, excellent ~food for thought~ I would be happy to help host a carnival sometime, as well. Thank you for including my piece.
How exactly would one "digg" the carnival? I'd love to help promote the COH, but I'm not sure what to do with the icon links. *feeling a bit silly*
Thanks for hosting. It was great as always!
JacciM, to Digg the carnival click on the icon with "Digg This Story" at the end of the carnival. You'll be taken to Digg. Log in, or create an account.
Digg, Reddit, Del.icio.us are all part of a group of social sites that allow you to share with others blogs, blog posts, and web site you enjoy.
Great carnival! Thanks for putting this together.
Great carnival, well put together.
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