Thursday, February 15, 2007

How do you praise your children?

Danny Carlton posted on his blog, Jack Lewis, a reference to a study on Raising kids and praising kids. The study found that children who were praised for working hard were more likely willing to try harder problems. Children who were praised for being smart were more likely to select easier problems.

As parents we need to praise our children. We need to be thoughtful in what we praise them about.

Michael LeBoeuf writes in GMP: The Greatest Management Principle in the World that which gets rewarded gets done.

If we ignore our children when they clean the room, and fuss at them when they have a messy room, most children will tend to have a messy room. They want our attention.

We need to give our children positive, honest acknowledgement for the good things they do, and praise them in a way that will help them to stretch themselves.

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Anonymous said...

God gives us the greatest of gifts, our children so that we can show them God's greatness. Our first gifts to our kids is home schooling until he is ready to attend the mainstream school system.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder! I had not heard that children who were praised for being smart we more apt to choose easier problems. It certainly seems like a better idea to praise them for the things they work for rather than simply the qualities they have been blessed with (ie. smart or pretty).
I will be keeping these in mind and sharing them with my husband.