Thursday, February 02, 2006

Politics and Education - selections from

Today's has two selections I found interesting:

One was a pointer to a lecture given by Jeb Bush, governor of Florida. He recently spoke at the Stanford University's Hoover Institute. Governor Bush outlines his approach to improving public schools in Florida with five rules, and ends by saying that he will continue to push for school choice. I do think school choice would improve schools.

The second reference I found interesting was a column by Tom Shuford who looks at the root causes for America's decline in education. Tom says there are four deep structural factors which have contributed to the academic weakness in the United States:

1) anti-academic schools of education
2) limited academic talent of too many educators
3) political power of the education establishment
4) political weakness of families/parents

Tom argues his points well. I was surprised to learn the history of Teacher Colleges. His column is worth reading.

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