Monday, February 06, 2006

Homeschooling in the News, from HomeSchoolBuzz is one of the blogs I check almost every day. Normally there is an average of a post each day about homeschooling in the news. It is a great resource for staying in touch with the current news stories on homeschooling. This weekend Gary really went to town with eight posts. Below are some of the highlights.

A couple decades ago one of the attacks on homeschooling was that the children would suffer academically. Without a professional teacher the children couldn't learn to read and write. A lot of the hot air went out of that argument once homeschoolers starting winning national contests like the Scripts National Spelling Bee. (We greatly enjoyed SpellBound.) links to an article about Timothy Nicholson, a 9-year-old boy, who was one of ten finalists for the nationwide contest "My Home: The American Dream." Maybe Timothy would be the next Steven Spielberg. points to another homeschooler who is doing well, Bode Miller. Bode is an Olympic skier. This article is about how growing up as a homeschooler allowed him to develop his passion.

In yet another story about a homeschooler doing well, links to an article about how Caroline Leland's home school assignment lead to a movie being produced. Maybe Timothy Nicholson should get in touch with Caroline.

The last item I'll mention for now is a link to a column in WorldNetDaily by Dr. Samuel L. Blumenfeld. Dr. Blumenfeld mentions the Brian Ray survey and points out that homeschoolers are well prepared to deal with the constant changes that our work force has to deal with. Dr. Blumenfeld is author of Homeschooling: A Parents Guide to Teaching Children.

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