Monday, January 09, 2006

Susan Wise Bauer has a blog

At PalmTree Pundit Anne reports that Susan Wise Bauer has a blog. As we've mentioned before, her book the Well Trained Mind was very influential is shaping our approach to homeschooling.

We use her series of The Story of the World as the spine for our history. I've posted reviews of each volume (one, two, three, and four) on Amazon. We have both the books and the CDs. Our daughters enjoy listening to the CDs, have listened to the CDs for about four hundred hours.

I am looking forward to seeing what Susan posts on her blog.


Unknown said...

I started home schooling late. After our daughter was born we thought it was a good time to transition our son, who had been in Montessori his whole life, to being home schooled. It is our plan to home school our daughter all the way through. Anyway, I floundered around last year and somehow my brilliant young man still scored fabulously well on the SATs and end of year evals.
I had been reading a lot about Classical education and I love it so we implemented it this year. I love what I believe the outcome will be but feel that I'm floundering again. It's all a bit overwhelming especially since I'm starting it with an 8th grader. HELP!!!!!

Henry Cate said...

I apologize that it has taken almost two months to respond. Your email got lost in my black hole of emails.

The short answer is try to reach out to other homeschoolers in your local area. I'm sure there are some who can give you advice and support.

One of our goals is to turn the responsibility for learning over to our children. Janine gives our fifteen year old much more general guidelines.

You might talk with your son and ask him what he wants to learn. Let him try some courses he wants to check out.