Monday, January 09, 2006

The impact of blogging

Also on PalmTree Pundit Anne mentions some good news for bloggers. She quotes from a long article (and good) about blogging:

"If you have a blog that is read by more than a few dozen readers, then you are making a bigger impact than you probably realize. If you have 50 people reading your blog, then you have more people in your ‘classroom’ than most professors at Harvard. If you have 90 readers, then you have more people in your ‘pews’ than most pastors have in their churches every Sunday. And if you have more than 1,000 readers a month, you have a larger ‘circulation’ than most poetry and short story magazines."

I think the comparisions are a bit misleading. The impact on people who quickly skim a blog will be less than the impact from the hours a professor spends with his students. But the general issue of bloggers having a greater impact than they realize is a good point.

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