Friday, January 06, 2006

Links to interesting postings - 6 Jan 06

Chris of O'DonnellWeb in his Links for 2006-01-06 has a link to a good (and funny) post on Wings and Prayers about things people don't tell you when you start to homeschool.

Kimberly of Number 2 Pencil talks about a couple interesting topics. She writes about how it is easy for today's schoolkids to be confused by conflicting messages. She found a post which points out that many situations it is kinder in the long run to give a student an F and have take a class or grade again, then to just allow him to keep on going.

District Administration has a reference to a Washington Post article on how the State of Maryland is going to try and have more parent involvement. I'm a bit skeptical. My guess is the parents will be able to do things like pick the colors of buildings, and other superficial things, but they will not be allowed to push for fundamental changes like vouchers. The parents will feel like they are engaged, but nothing will really change.

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