Monday, July 13, 2015

A homeschooler trying out a private school

My youngest daughter, who turned 15 recently, shares why she is going to attend a private school this fall:

I have been homeschooled since kindergarten. This has been a great gateway to many opportunities, like travel and making friends in different grades. I love the flexibility. Last year I did all my classes online, and had a math tutor. That was my freshman year.

This fall I will be doing something different. I will be taking classes twice or three times a week at a nearby private school. I’m looking forward to the group learning.

I will still be doing other classes online for subjects that I’m not doing at the private school.  I will be doing English and Science at the school, with an extra computer programming class. The other classes I will be doing either online or through books or other programs.

When you homeschool you get to do what works best for you, even if that means mixing and matching programs. I like this because people aren’t in cookie cutter shapes.

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