Monday, November 24, 2014

The daughter's side of "Taking my daughter to work"

Last week I wrote Another cool benefit of homeschooling - Take your daughter to work day.

Today my youngest daughter shares her thoughts about the trip:

On Wednesday of last week I went to work with my dad. His career of a software engineer doing quality assurance has been interesting to me for a while. It was nice to be able to just take a day to go with him, something I wouldn’t be able to do if I went to school.

My dad takes the train to work, so it was fun to do that with him. It was a relatively short walk to the train station. It was nice to chat with him. The train had a lot of commuters. Looking out the window for the ride was really interesting. It was about 45 minutes to get to his stop.

When we arrived at the train station we got a quick doughnut and headed over to his work, which was about two blocks away from the train station.

When we got to his work he introduced me to a lot of his colleagues. Then he started working and I did some school work. I spent some time watching him work, and I was able to use his computer to do MyMathlab when he went to a meeting.

After his meeting we went to a nearby burger joint and grabbed lunch. Then he worked some more. At around 2 o’clock I went to a near by used book store and read for a while. There was a great selection, so it was fun to browse.

We rode the train home later in the evening. It was nice spending a day with my dad. My favorite thing about it was seeing his work place and watching him work. I’m glad I’m available to do field trips like this.

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