We have now successfully completed 15 years of
Here are a few things I have learned about education along
the way that apply to homeschooling as well as any other educational option.
1) Children have their own time table for learning. When parents/teachers superimpose an
arbitrarily determined schedule, it doesn’t work very well. Both the child and the parents/teachers get frustrated. Learning and the relationship suffer. [Yes, we had to learn this one the hard way].
2) Children with parents who are involved and invest the time
get a better education. Homeschooling
parents have the advantage here because we have more power than the PTA
president or a classroom volunteer.
However, parents who are on the ball make a big difference. No program or policy can replace a good
3) Successful educational programs address the needs of the
whole child. A curriculum/program that
produces high SAT scores and a child with an anxiety disorder and/or a weight
problem is NOT a successful program.
4) Moral and character development are equal, if not more
important, than academic learning. If a
child leaves their k-12 education lacking a work ethic and integrity, than
nothing else really matters.
5) Testing, if used properly, is a tool. We use standardize testing to find strengths
and weakness in our efforts and to help plan future curriculum choices for that
child. Because each child is an
individual, what works well for one child may not work for another and testing
tells us that. We don’t teach to the
test. Teaching to the test defeats the
purpose of the test.
6) Flexibility is king.
Rigid curriculum/styles/programs don’t work well. If a child knows the material, don’t waste
time on that lesson. Move on. If the child needs or wants more time to
delve more deeply into the material, stop and take the time. This is one area where traditional classroom style education
often falls short. Unless you are teaching a
room full of clones, some child is going to lose out. There are some very talented teachers who do
have the skill to meet most of the needs of a diverse classroom, but that is
the exception not the rule. This is also
why sorting children by age and not ability and interest falls short.
7) Free time matters.
Children need free time to grow and learn how to govern themselves.
8) Children need adult supervision and interaction. As a parent, I am NOT raising children; I am
raising an adult. I want my children to have successful adults meaningfully
involved in their lives to act as role models.
Your teenage needs just as much adult interaction as your toddler.
9) Technology can be your best friend and your worst
enemy. There are so many wonderful
educational materials available on line.
The ease of access of information is amazing and worthwhile. There are also many more terrible, awful,
destructive, time wasters your children can find with click of a button. You have to be the guard at the gate. [Video games, Nintendo, WOW are not in my
home for a reason.]
10. Educational goals
should be unique to the child. Not every
child is meant to be a software engineer or in an academic career. Do not
ignore the value of practical skills or non-academic professions. College is not the only track to a successful life.
Thanks for sharing! We are entering 3rd years now, still going strong. Like and agree on point 9.
So true! Thanks for posting this! :)
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I am the youngest of nine siblings and am proud to say that my parents have taken the time to spend 23 years homeschooling every single one of us through our entire lives.
Your post was awesome and so true!
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