Michelle Malkin provides a form: Attention, parents: Common Core opt-out form now available.
If you have children in public schools you may want to consider opting out of Common Core.
Here are more posts by Michelle Malkin on Common Core:
Rotten to the Core, Part 4: The Feds’ Invasive Student Tracking Database
Rotten to the Core, Part 3: Lessons from Texas and the Growing Grassroots Revolt
Rotten to the Core, Part 2: Readin’, writin’ and deconstructionism
Rotten to the Core, Part 1: Obama’s War on Academic Standards
Rotten to the Core: Reader feedback from the frontlines
My child’s Common Core-aligned Algebra book is crap
Hat tip: Spunky Homeschool
Are you sure I can opt oout> I have submitted two document sto my school and they were rejected. How do I opt out of common core in FLorida?
Are you sure I can opt out? I submitted two documents are they were rejected. How do I opt out in FL?
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