Mary starts the carnival with:
I have often mentioned that we followed an interest based learning over the years. Whether we were immersing ourselves in trains, art, baseball or just reading a book for fun, the method served us well. Having plenty of time, resources and encouragement enables anyone to make the subject they are interested in their own. There is no one right way, but every individual finds the methods that work best for them.
My grown son still has the photo in his office that a major railroad sent him when he wrote them asking what the very fancy train was that occasionally sped by our house. They wrote back that it was the old “President’s Train” that was now used for executives to travel the country, and set a lovely 8 x 10 along with it. They had so many of those experiences with the librarian, a zookeeper, naturalist and others in the community they learned to seek out information and solutions from others when they needed to. I’ve seen them use those same skills very well as adults.
Enjoy this carnival as others share their methods, lives and learning experiences in this week’s carnival.

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