Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Book review: No School Today? A Home Spun Comic Strip Collection

I have long enjoyed Cristina' blog Home Spun Juggling.

One of my favorite aspects of her blog is her frequent comics.  She has released the first two hundred comics in No School Today?  A Home Spun Comic Strip Collection.

There are many fun strips.  Here are a few of my favorites: 

Remember to tell children not to break cookies when giving them permission to eat the broken cookies.

Socialization at its finest.

Homeschoolers who are readers.  (All three of my daughters are like this!)

Cristina also writes thoughtful paragraphs here and there through the book.  My suggestion is you read all the comics first and then go back and read her prose.  I found it a bit hard to switch back and forth from the comics to the prose.

Now hopefully she will be releasing her next book soon!


jugglingpaynes said...

Thank you Henry, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Eventually I'll get that second book out, hopefully it won't take as long for me as the first one did!

Peace and Laughter,

Henry Cate said...

Do you have a rough idea on when the second book will be available?