Thursday, March 01, 2012

The Carnival of Homeschooling is up - If I had a million dollars

Jen is hosting this week's Carnival of Homeschooling at Forever, For Always, No Matter What

She starts the carnival with:

I'm excited to be hosting the Carnival of Homeschooling this week. As always a great selection of homeschool encouragement, new ideas, and tips to make your days more productive and enjoyable.

There's nothing like a few days away from the normal hustle and bustle of family life to get some perspective. While we were away last week enjoying the sun and some quiet time by the pool, we had time for many good conversations. Normally when we are talking "career", we are talking about my husband's career, not my career of stay-at-home, homeschooling mom.

During one of our many conversations, I mentioned that a few friends had recently re-entered the work force after being home and caring for young children for several years. I made the comment that it just didn't seem appealing to me, going back to work, and that even if I didn't homeschool I wouldn't be putting together my resume any time soon. My husband responded that's because I was born to do exactly what I was doing, and that if I won a million dollars I wouldn't stop doing what we were doing. He is absolutely correct.

Certainly everyday is not perfect, we have our share of rotten days when nothing goes right, everyone is mis-behaving {even the teacher!}, but if I was suddenly gifted a great sum of money life really wouldn't be all that different. Oh, I would definitely hire a cleaning service and maybe a math tutor, and our field trips would most definitely become a bit more extravagant - shall we follow the route of Lewis and Clark for a few weeks? - but all in all we would keep on keeping on with this wonderful gift of home education.

Carnival of Homeschooling

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