She starts with:
I think my homeschool lesson for the last week or two has something to do with overcoming challenges.
I had some folks over last Saturday for a canning party (and our little Keepers at Home were earning a badge for their work). We overcame a variety of hurdles before, during, and after the event, including wrong size jars, last minute cancellations leaving odd groupings, a recipe not making as much as expected, and strawberries that went from lovely to rotten overnight (literally). Somehow, we came through it all, and had a great time.
Heaving a sigh of relief, I sat down to start working on the Carnival. Except that, oddly, I only had a few entries… Usually by Saturday, there are quite a few. What could be going on?
Digging around in my Inbox some more, I found a letter from Henry with the explanation:
Go to the carnival for the rest of the story.

Thanks for info
Difficulties are always there but the good thing is that you handled and proved to have a very good job!
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