Thursday, May 12, 2011

Some of the comments on the TSA blog are spot on

Boycott Flying on Facebook on a link where the TSA did a modified pat-down on a baby because the TSA detectors flaged the stroller.

The TSA Blog tries to justify this.  I love some of the comments:

The three laws of the tsa, with apologies to Isaac Asimov:

1) The TSA must, under all circumstances, generate as much revenue for themselves and their contractors as possible
2) The TSA must prevent PR disasters, unless this risks violating the first law.
3) The TSA should create security of an illusion thereof, unless this risks violating the first or second laws.


You'll forgive me if I don't take much encouragement from TSA saying that they're "looking into ways" to improve screening.

I seem to recall former TSA Administrator Hawley saying that the 100ml limit on liquids would be lifted by the end of 2009.

Wake me up when you get there. In the meantime ... nothing new here.


The TSA has repeatedly stated that it is exploring options to refine airport security processes and procedures, yet you (TSA) never seem to take any meaningful action except to continue to harass law-abiding taxpaying American citizens. Americans have resorted to shaming the TSA with video and photos to try appeal for a small amount of reasonable change. TSA credibility stinks (pardon the pun with this story) because your repeated promises for change do not match your actions.


Why doesn't the USA airport security learn something from Israeli airport security? Israel's security is that of highly trained, skilled eyes who know how to 'profile'. The USA thinks they have to look at every bag, pat down or x-ray every person, etc. It's a bunch of hogwash!


Susan Ryan said...

It sounds a lot like how public schools are run too. Create the illusion (of quality education for all), ignore the facts. PR and self-promotion is of the utmost importance. Funny...that government thang.

Henry Cate said...

Yeah, I think it is the very nature of government. Which is why we have to pay attention.