Susan starts with:
You are likely thinking this is odd. Let me explain. There has been much talk in the last couple of weeks about the new documentary concerning public school education called: Waiting for Superman. It’s a story that pulls hard at your heart in following 5 children and their educational realities. I suspect that like me, many homeschoolers following this issue want to shout: Just homeschool.
But we’re a tiny minority compared to the millions and millions who are part of the public school community. What we live and learn every day is hard to explain unless you’re doing it. To much of our society, we could be that incognito, even nerdy sort of fellow with the glasses, known as Clark Kent. But we go against societal norms valuing that time where our children often feel like a Superman or Wonder Woman.
Fly on over and see the many ways you are like a Superman or Wonder Woman.

I haven't seen anything here about the International Space Station. Are you watching for it? We enjoyed watching it pass over our house this evening. You probably know how to find it, but you can see my latest blog post for instructions if you need them. Very cool.
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