Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Moments in History - The Fall of the Berlin Wall

One of my brothers posted this on Facebook:

It is very powerful. I think too often most of us take our freedom for granted.

My brother also found this video.

Technorati tags: Fall, Berlin, Wall


real estate in Vancouver BC said...

I remember the 9th November 20 years ago. I was watching news in TV here in Vancouver and couldn't believe what's happening. The atmosphere in Berlin was amazing. Young people lost fear from the totalitarian regime and expressed their feelings like hope and joy. That's why we should commemorate this day and those people in Berlin 20 years ago and realize that we shouldn't take our freedom for granted.

Best regards,

Henry Cate said...

Jay, you are right. We should never take our freedom for granted.

I was surprised by how emotional I became while watching the video.