Monday, November 09, 2009

A bit mind boggling - parents need background checks to watch children on playgrounds

Joanne Jacobs reports Brits ban parents from playgrounds :

In Watford, England, parents can’t watch their own kids in playgrounds, unless they’ve submitted to a criminal records check. It’s all in the name of protecting children from pedophiles. Parents are guilty till proven innocent.
Mums and dads must stay outside the fence at two adventure playgrounds while “play rangers,” public employees cleared by the police, supervise the children.


Technorati tags: parents, children, playground


Sandy said...

I stopped going to our city pool when the lifeguards wouldn't allow me to carry my own children around in the water!

Jacquie @ Joy Made Full said...

Wow, I get it, but that's too extreme. And I can't imagine not being able to carry around my child in the pool! What is wrong with these people?

Henry Cate said...

Sandy - I've been mind boggled twice in one day! That is amazing.

Jacquie - I think part of the problem is many in our society no longer seem to be able to find a balance. Too often zero tolerance means doing stupid things.