Monday, August 03, 2009

Schools average almost $10k per student

Joanne Jacobs reports that now Schools average $9,666 per student:

Public schools spent an average of $9,666 per student in 2007, an increase of 5.8 percent from the previous year, the Census reports. The federal share was 8.3 percent.
New York schools spend the most per student ($15,981) while Utah sepnds the least ($5,683). “Also in the top three were New Jersey at $15,691 per pupil and Washington, D.C. at $14,324,” reports the New York Times.
The stimulus funds will stimulate the appetite for more federal education spending, predicted Russ Whitehurst, director of the Brown Center on Education Policy and a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution.


The cost keeps going up. Performance keeps coming down. At what point will people say "Enough is enough; that we need to change!"

Insanity is keep doing the same thing again and again, and expecting different results.

We're insane.

Technorati tags: parenting, children, education, government schools, children, public school, public education


mrs dani said...

No we are lazy. Most (notice I said most not all) people are too busy with their careers and past times and their own happiness that they do not take the time to find out what is going on in the schools. or they are just too thrilled to be rid of the kids to even care.

Henry Cate said...

I am afraid you are right. I've known of a few people who recognized that the public schools were damaging their children, but rationalized that it wasn't that much damange, and that it would be too hard to do homeschool and too expensive to do private school.

Sarah at SmallWorld said...

I agree--it's crazy! Here is a link to a Letter to the Editor I wrote about this issue:

Teresita Darling said...

I spend less than $1000 per year on my curriculum- and most of that is nonconsumable texts that will be passed down through 3 more kids.

Henry Cate said...

I enjoyed the letter to the editor. Good job.

mama4x - Good job! Way too many people think spending money on getting stuff is what is important in education. My guess along with classic academics your children are learning to be frugal by watching you.